神遊物外 - 線上藝廊-ART365美術館

lit. Gods roam beyond the boundaries of things (idiom); fig. outside the realm of reality

Dimensions 80 × 65 cm


particular year


Physical Appreciation

Provides the viewer with the opportunity to view the program from all perspectives
Enter the world of the creator...

lit. Gods roam beyond the boundaries of things (idiom); fig. outside the realm of reality

The minimalist composition with simple color palette presents a poetic space that emerges from the artist's interaction with objects, light, color and time... a spiritual space and time that is transformed from gazing into the depths of the mind.
In the gaze and silence, there is a momentary aura that seems to be a world stoppage full of creative philosophies.

Silence, Perception
The inner world of the heart
Its subtle changes
It's hard!

Combine line, space, and light
Fine-tuning with color and brushwork.
From Real Life
But independent of it.
Clear Vision
Tranquil Objects
and a
Unspeakable Wenyu
Space for Interpretation
It's got a kind of
A sense of eternity that transcends perception...

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